The short film “Chaos and Water” was among the 15 finalists of the contest “moving water” of the Anima Mundi Festival 2011.
Chaos and Water / O Caos e a Água from Província Studio on Vimeo. Continuar a leitura →
The short film “Chaos and Water” was among the 15 finalists of the contest “moving water” of the Anima Mundi Festival 2011.
Chaos and Water / O Caos e a Água from Província Studio on Vimeo. Continuar a leitura →
Animation by Guilherme Araújo.
Soundtrack, sound effects and dubbing direction by Rogério Dec.
Commercial with the theme composed for the book Peace Warrior was aired in theaters in Curitiba-PR, during the release of the film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows“, from 7/15/2011 to 7/21/2011.
1st prize received by the short film Where’s my Grub?, with Rogério Dec’s sound effects!
Special Jury Award in the FAÇA -Festival of Santa Catarina.
2nd Prize received by the short film Where’s my Grub?, with Rogério Dec’s sound effects!
Best short Animation of the 6th Festival de Cabo Frio.